The Integer Sequence Visualization Tool!
Copyright 2020-2022 Regents of the University of Colorado.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the text of the MIT License in
What is Numberscope?
Numberscope is a tool for researchers, citizen-scientists, and artists. Combine your favourite integer sequences with a suite of visualizers: online tools that illustrate integer sequences and their properties. It is currently in development.
How do I use it?
The project will soon be establishing a public Numberscope server that you can visit and experiment with. In the meantime, see Running from source.
There's also a User Guide with information about how to explore sequences with Numberscope.
More information
Have a great idea for a new way to illustrate the behavior of an integer sequence? Numberscope is designed to make it easy to add new visualizers, and this guide will show you how.
More extensive information about all aspects of Numberscope's code, and how you can have your work become part of the project.